This is rather mine personal diary rather than a blog where i pen down my thoughts. It reflects my darker side and a different approach towards life. As such i have no objection in anyone reading it, but then you are gonna be bored as it is all about i, me, myself. You also might end up with a different opinion about me. So I suggest, move on. Do something constructive!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Having practically nothing to do, with school friends back to their businesses, my idle mind thinking of games and puzzles hit upon something exciting last evening. The word 'love'. How many synonyms can one come up with for this word, lets say not exact synonyms, but "words that best fit". Lets see then.

Belonging. True one needs to develop a sense of belonging for the person he/she loves. I believe stronger the sense of belonging, more stronger is the realtionship and deeper the love.

Trust. Simple it may seem, but this is a tricky one though. To what extent of trust is the question. You may trust your maid and hope that she will not steal anything when you are away. Yoy may trust your milkman and believe theres no water in the milk. But does that mean you love your maid or milkman? Perhaps not. Here we expect a larger level of trust. Again the kind of trust you expect from your sister and your girlfriend are different, though you love both of them to almost the same extent(hopefully).

Expectation. There is no Shah Rukh Khan movie going out here that you keep loving someone unconditionally and do not expect anything in return. People who think they fall in such category should immediately undergo a one month course in some rehabiliation clinic. One may not expect the other to reciprocate the love in the same way but when even the basic expectations from the person loved or felt for are not fulfilled, it does strain the relationship if not ending it permanently.

Commitment. Well thats a boy-girl special i believe. Breaking the commitment you have towards your parents might not matter much in the long run but you date your girlfriend's best friend..aww...

Compromise. Surprisingly, over the 20 years that I have been in this mortal world, i have seen this as "the quality" for a relationship of love to survive. Be it with your parents, your siblings or your soul mate, you are always compromising yourself to avoid unnecessary problems that ultimately lead to decline of love.

Some may argue that honesty is the fundamental property of any "love" relationship. I beg to differ though. One doesn't need to be honest. Keep fooling around your 'love; partner...just make sure you dont get caught, else the 'trust' will be broken.

Now managing all these in existing 'love relationships', ie with parents, siblings and relatives is still managable. But to fall in love with someone from the opposite sex, keeping all these requisites in it really possible? I wonder how many of these are fulfilled in all love stories that take place around and as to what extend they are maintained. Or is it as my delhi mess mate, Mr X, says..."love for opposite sex is nothing but the quest for the perfect g spot". For once, it seems i'll agree with you Mr X!

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