2010 began with me performing the worst in semesters and some flak that i had to receive for it from my parents. Some wrong allegations and misunderstandings made jsr a miserable place for me in jan 2010. The repair work needed to be done and without delay i started. The results came along, joint second in the very next semester, a job as early as august 7th and an opportunity to study higher. In fact, by the end of 2010, am having one of the best secured futures among all in my class. Second highest package salary, initial posting in kolkata, an open opportunity of pursuing fully funded doctorate studies in US in mechanical engineering and an offer to join a friend's business. Academically the year turned out pretty good, dream of getting a 9 gpa in atleast one sem fulfilled, recovering from the disastrous gre score and hitting a 111 in toefl and of course, throwing gate preparation out of the window.
This being the materialistic gains, 2010 also turned out to leave behind sweet memories. My attachment with my sis increased to an extent that i shared everything with her, from feelings to emotions... she gifted me riju, my nephew, the cutest baby in this world. My role model cousin bro paid a visit to India, and interacting with him has always made me a better person. I hope in 2011 i would be able to fulfill the promise that i made to him, that we would meet somewhere outside India. College life came a circle, a gap had developed for some unknown reason between some of my very close first year friends, am happy that 2010 helped to bridge that gap. Thank you AR, KS and SC (never realized ur initials were so bad, sc!!). Had loads of treats and hangouts, had a gala durga puja this time, probably the best ever.
So comparing with 2009, which mainly was a downhill slide, 2010 allowed me to rise higher and higher. But then one can’t expect all ups, after all am not the chinese economy. There were a few setbacks, a few disappointments. The 21 days of training in Guwahati was probably the biggest disaster of all. Its taken me sometime to forget that. Of course BOC and UIC are acting as decent balms. Twice in a year the opposite sex made me realize what a worthless piece of shit i am, that i am not worthy of being a friend of theirs. Thank you AM, thank you UB. The harder you try, the more you fail. No, i am not talking about grasping sand particles in your hand, i am talking about maintaining relationships. Learnt a very good lesson in life in these closing days of december, never ever trust anyone. But then i believe thats life, 2010 will go down as a memorable year in my life, indeed one of the very best. I walk into 2011 leaving all my emotions, my pains, my sadness back here in 2010 and hope to be cold, ruthless, selfish, cynical and alone. After all these are the requirements for happiness. But before 2010 ends, let me finish with some of the best words from my personal favorite play.... et tu brute....